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Is your website RESPONSIVE?


In April 2015, Google announced that its search engine would start penalising websites that did not have a responsive design. What does it mean?

In short, about 75% of web searches are now done from mobile devices. Your website will not perform well in these searches if it doesn't display well on a tablet or smartphone.

Your web designer or agency will probably quote you for a new website in order to get yours updated. It may be the way to go but chances are that you may be able to spare yourself that extra expense. Just ask us

Is your website working for you?

A company without website is like a shop without a window

- Have you spent thousands of dollars getting a website developed but your customers can't find it?


Unfortunately, many website developers do not take care of the SEO of the beautiful websites they built.

Depending on the size of your website, your actual online presence needs, your budget and capabilities, we will either refer you to a company who can take care of your SEO, take care of it for you or just show you how to do it yourself.


- You know that you need a website but don't think you can afford one?


Think again. Thanks to online platforms like Wix, SquareSpace, Wordpress, etc. professional-looking, effective websites can be developed for as little as $0. Taking them online will only cost a few bucks per month. All you need is a few pointers and maybe a couple of hours of hands-on training, which I can provide. Once you get going, we're here to help at every step of the way. And if you really don't like the idea of doing it yourself, I can still do it for you.


- You have the budget but think that these web agencies are charging way too much? Should you go with a freelance designer?


Web agencies are expensive, but there is a reason why they are and sometimes you just can't avoid that cost. Other times, you'd be crazy to spend that much. Just like anything else in business, you want to have all the info before you make a move. Unfortunately putting the data together and getting your head around it takes a long time and sometimes the only thing you'll get back is a massive headache. Why not ask me instead? Get in touch -I can definitely recommend the right solution for your business (and we won't charge for it either).

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